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Disappeared for a Week (A Dragon’s Short Blog Update)

Hiya bessies!


How are you all?


You bessies didn’t noticed but I’ve been inactive in blogging and bookstagramming for a week now. Well, I’ve been inactive to all things with internet for a week!

That’s because we didn’t have internet connection for more or less a week! And that’s the longest time I didn’t open all my social media accounts and talk to you bessies! If you’re wondering if I’m inactive why there are still blog posts?


The reason! Some of those are scheduled posts and the others are posted while hitching a very slow internet connection to a friend’s house or my college’s wifi. So I didn’t really had the strong internet connection to go blog hopping and commenting in your posts for a while. I apologize to that bessies. I feel so unfair. You still like and comment on my posts and I’ve been inactive!


But worry not! For the internet connection has been reconnected yesterday! That means I’d be able to talk to you bessies again! Wooh! Dang! I didn’t know how much I miss this community even though I’ve just been away for a week. Still, I miss you bessies!!


Well, that’s my explanation. If ever you’re wondering where I’ve been or how I’m doing. Hope that answers it. 😀


Let’s talk in the comments? 🙂


Thanks for reading up to here bessies! Love you all! And I miss you! 😀



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