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Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite LGBTQ+ Reads

Hiya bessies!


How are you all?


It’s been a while since I last posted my very first T5W post. If you bessies don’t know what T5W is it’s weekly a meme hosted by Sam @ Thoughts on Tomes at Goodreads. If you wanna join, just click here!

So this Wednesday’s topic is favorite LGBTQ+ reads! Now I don’t usually read LGBTQ+ books. Not because I’m not comfortable or something, I just have past experiences about LGBTQ+ that I don’t want to remember so I try to avoid these kind of books if possible. But! I still appreciate them though. They’re not bad. 😀


Anyway, here’s my top 5 favorite LGBTQ+ reads!







I’ve read this book when I was still in high school. The funny thing is when I was reading this, I was waiting for the girl pair of the other Will Grayson, the gay one. Because I didn’t know that this book is LGBTQ+ kind of book I wasn’t prepared when it says the other character is gay. Still, this one was a really good and funny book. One of my favorite from John Green’s works. 😀









I did not expect this book to have an LGBTQ+ character. I really didn’t because the guy in here seems to be swoon worthy. And then they have a very cute love triangle of girl-girl-boy. I badly wanna know how they end up. How did Alex choose?











This book is a historical fiction about the history of HIV and AIDS so I know that this has LGBTQ+ characters. I like the way the gay couple were portrayed in this book because they were treated with open mindedness. Despite the year the story of the book happened, it seemed like they already accepted LGBTQ+ and treat them like normal couple instead of shocked reactions or whatnot.










This book is a compilation of girl to girl romances and they are all entertaining and I don’t know how to describe the rest. Lol. XD They are not bad though. They are good. I just don’t know how put the right words about this book. But yeah, they are good stories.











Now this book… I honestly swoon over this and blushed and fangirl a lot. Simon and Baz are both adorable (though I know Bazilton won’t approve of the word I described him.) and I really like them! When I read the confession of love in the book, I swear I thought I just stopped breathing and then started internal screaming. Because I was in school grounds and suddenly screaming would cause trouble so I used my internal scream. But seriously, I loved this book! 😀






That’s it for my T5W bessies. What about you bes? Do you have any favorite LGBTQ+ reads? Tell them in the comments!



Thanks for reading up to here bessies! Love you all!


2 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite LGBTQ+ Reads

    1. Me too! Will Grayson was my very first LGBTQ+ read ever! And yeah. I sometimes prefer the gay Will than the straight. But I love the straight Will. 😛 And yes,Tiny! Who could forget about how fabulous Tiny is! 😀 Haha!


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