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Book Review: Callan (Uncompromising #5) by Sybil Bartel 

Title: Callan (Uncompromising #5)

Author: Sybil Bartel

Genre: Romance | New Adult | Fiction

Goodreads Rating: 4.41


Hiya bessies! 

How are you all? 

So, it’s been years since I last read a Sybil Bartel book. And I got to say, I missed reading fast paced romance books, especially Bartel’s works. 

If you’re new here in my blog, check out my other book reviews of her other books. Just search her name and you’ll see all my blog posts about her other series. 

Anyway, let’s get started! 

So, we have Callan in this fifth book of the series. I honestly needed a little bit of a refresher before I started reading this cause like I said, it has been years since I last read this series. 7 years to be exact. 

That is why I had to read my earlier book reviews about this series, and I remembered Callan from Andre’s book. 

Callan is a character that is not hard to like. He is transparent since he is brutally honest. He does not hide his feelings or opinions. He lays it out there and lets you feel whatever emotions you might feel until you also feel stupid (sometimes) for feeling it because even though he does not say it, he always has a point. 

I just got to be honest, he does not have that much depth to his character for me. I mean, compared to the other Bartel men, Callan is pretty straightforward and not very complicated at all. Sometimes I think he’s borderline boring. He has no humor, no complexity. 

Sure, he grew up in a complicated environment but that’s all there is to him. I did not feel any more personality in him. 

He’s not my very favorite Bartel men though. But just like all the Bartel men, he will do anything to get his girl. And just like all of the Bartlel men, I really like that about him. 

Let’s go to our female main character, Emily. 

I got to say, I did not get Emily’s personality at first. Like what kind of person is she? 

It turns out, along the way, I ended up relating to her. Like wtf. 

She’s studying a course she doesn’t even like, but she thinks it would give her a sure shot at a job. Like gurl, I feel you!! And then it turns out she even hates the lifestyle she’s having. She’s living a life full of pretenses just so she can fit in with her friends and her sister. 

Meeting Callan was like her big ass sign of what she really wants in life. And that is not studying nursing and going to the club. I mean, good for her though for figuring it out sooner rather than later. 

She is a very brave female lead but she also has some bad decisions in this book. I mean, we all have those but why Emily? 

Anyway, let’s go to the story. 

Yo, bessies, I have to be completely honest. I have not read a very fast-paced romance book in a very long time and this book gave me whiplash after reading. I mean, I used to love very fast-paced romance books before but maybe the years of not reading such niche made my head spin a little at how fast it could actually go. Hahaha! 

I’m not complaining. I’m just—i just want to say that out here so I can settle my thoughts and re-orient myself with fast-paced romance books. 

The smut in this book though. Sorry but I was a bit sad about that. Really? It’s not as many as the other books. I was looking forward to it and I was expecting a lot more chapters. But then the momentum of the plot must not be disrupted, so I understand too. 

The action in this book is not the same from the earlier books. Considering who Callan is and where he grew up; he’s a hunter, that’s what he always says. I was expecting more action from his book. But there’s only a shootout and then boom. 

Though going out of the country is an adventure. It reminded me of this Wattpad series written by a Filipina author which I loved since college. (I also loved Bartel’s books since college days.) The series is called Possessive Men series by C.C. 

One thing I missed while reading this is the brotherhood of all the men in the book. Andre, Talon, Neil… man I missed them. I am so curious about their life after settling down. 

So, to wrap this up, this was a good read. It’s a good book to get out of a reading slump. I missed reading these kinds of books, so I think I’m gonna get me some more of Bartel’s books and devour them. I recommend this to the bessies who are looking for a quick romantic read. 

About the Author…

Sybil Bartel is a USA Today Bestselling author of unapologetic Alpha heroes. Whether you’re reading her dominant Alpha Elite mercenaries, her protective Alpha Bodyguards, or her page-turning romantic suspense, all of her heroes are sexy-as-sin and unwaveringly Alpha!

Sybil lives in South Florida, and she is forever Oliver’s mom.

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